A.M. Stephens Construction Co., Inc.
Adventist Health Frank and Linda Alberti American Chiller Service American Medical Response West Angelina's Spaghetti House Ruth Atkins Sandy and Jud Atwater BAC Community Bank Bank of America Bank of Stockton Bank of The West Troy and Renee Beckman The Ben Schaffer Cancer Institute Eda Biagi Leonard Bianchi Ron Bianchi Dorothy and Bill Biddick Bingham, McCutcheon, LLP Walter Blohm Blue Shield of California Dr. Robert Breckenridge Marc Bregmam Hilda Brunk Eva Benson Buck Charitable Trust Dr. Fred and Judy Bunch Bruce and Norma Burlington Marjory and Ralph Burlington Calaveras County Property California Concentrate Co. California Endowment California Healthcare Ins./Optima Jack and Martha Carter Cen-Cal Fire Systems, Inc. Central Valley Waste Services Jan and Mark Chandler William and Charlotte Chase Christian Trust Darrell and Robin Clay Jeanette and Robert Clottu Gladys Coblentz Karel Cole Collins Electrical Company, Inc. Dr. John and Therese Connolly Emery and Nellie Conrad Rebecca Cook Patricia Corona Cortopassi Family Foundation Joe and Marie Cotta Joe and Sherry Cotta Esther Nies Cox Steve and Patrice Crabtree Wayne Craig Michael and Lisa Crete Dart Foundation Bill and Shirley Dauer Terri and Timothy Day Dodie Dayton Delta Radiology Medical Group, Inc. Diede Construction Steven and Lillian Diede Trent and Kate Diehl Cecil and Janet Dillon Tom and Barbara Doucette E. & J. Gallo Winery F&M Bank Fairmont Rehabilitation Amy Lucas Farnsworth Carol Farron FCB Homes Phil and Daphne Felde Steve and Arlene Fetzer Financial Center Credit Union First Interstate Foundation David and Paula Fisher Food 4 Less/Rancho San Miguel Dr. Carolyn M. Fowle Jeryl and Peggy Fry Delfina Lin-Sau Fung, Esq. The Gallo Foundation Donnie and Wendy Garibaldi Ruben and Alma Gartner General Mills Michael and Debra Georguson Daryl and Opal Geweke Dr. Jasbir and Dr. Param Gill Gill Obstetrics & Gynecology Julia Gillespie |
Trude Glaves
Golden State Restaurant Group Carolyn Gordon Mary K. Grimm Fritz and Phyllis Grupe Guaranty Bank Henry L. Guenther Foundation H.C.E. Foundation, Inc. Ernest and Sara Haas Habanero Hots Nancy Stowe Hammond Dorothy Handel Joe and Beth Handel Estate of Ingrid Hansen Joe Harrington Paul Hastings, LLP HDR Architecture William Randolph Hearst Foundation Kenneth and Diane Heffel Jerry and Cathy Herrmann HMH Builders, Inc. Carolyn Hoff Dr. H. E. Hoff Lorene Hoff Ted Holmstrom Milton and Cora Holstine Dr. Stephen and Dr. Lydia Howell Jerry and Rilette Hugo Robert Hunnell Inez Huppert Mary Jimenez Jack and Demetra Johal Johnson & Johnson Raymond Karker Kurt and Sandra Kautz Yoshi Kim Kimmel Construction, Inc. Jeff and Carol Kirst David and Patty Kirsten Jane Klemeyer Fred Krause Ron and Geraldine Kreutner Langetwins Family Winery & Vineyard Craig and Suzanne Ledbetter John and Edyth Ledbetter Keith Ledbetter Jeremy and Erin Lenser Phil and Debra Lenser Lester Consulting Group Dr. Andrew Limb and Suzanne Limb Lincoln Financial Advisors LMH Main Auxiliary LMH Mission Branch Auxiliary Lodi Association of Realtors Lodi District CPR Program Lodi Electric Utility Lodi Iron Works Lodi Lions Club Lodi Memorial Hospital Lodi News-Sentinel Lodi Nursing & Rehabilitation Lodi Obstetrics & Gynecology Lodi Outpatient Surgical Center Lodi Stor-All Lodi Sunrise Rotary Club Lodi Tokay Rotary Club Lodi Urological Medical Group Dave and Linda Mack Rudy and Virginia Maggio Steve and Jill Mann Joe and Susan Maley Diana and Douglas Matthews Lynn McCarty Brooke and Matthew McCollough Dr. Tom and Meg McKenzie Karen and Paul McPherson Medline Industries, Inc. Bill and Carol Meehleis Meehleis Modular Buildings Inc Memorial Home Med-Equip Bruce Mettler Ole and Dorothy Mettler John and Pat Metz Michael David Family Foundation Peter Mondavi Family Debbe Moreno Dennis Morita, CPA and Rosetta Morita |
Dr. Kenneth and Nancy Mullen
Robert and Dorothy Mullen Russ and Katheryn Munson Jim and Annette Murdaca Dr. Carol Nakashima Joan Nakashima Dr. Roland and Carol Nakata Virginia Newcomb Steven and Laura Nickel Mr. L. Niethammer Steve and Lynn Nilssen NORCAL Ambulance Mark and Barbara Nureddine Becky and Jim Olvera Oncure Medical Group Joel and Hazel Osborn Lloyd and Doris Owens Pacific Coast Producers Al and Clara Patane Estate of Dorothy Platt Allen and Lorraine Pope Ezekiel Ramirez The Antone & Marie Raymus Foundation Dr. Walter and Carol Reiss Richard and Joan Rider Robert Rinn Helen Rivinius Bart and Georgia Robertson Mr. Carl Rowe William and Sally Diekman Ryan Barbara and Bob Sams San Joaquin Sulphur Co. Sanborn Chevrolet, Inc Richard and Jean Sanborn Dr. AnnieMarie Santos Dr. Annie Marie Santos Ida Sartini Schaffer Family Partners, L.P. Mark and Julie Sey Donna Shaw Mona Shulman Ronald and Mary Slate Elizabeth Smith Randy & Jodie Snider Dr. Gerrard Spencer Edna Squires Stafford King Wiese Architects, Inc. Dennis and Tamara Steinkamp Andy Stephens Thelma Stewart Tom and Sandra Stokes Nancy Sullivan Swinerton Builders, Inc. Loretta Taylor Team Health West Mark Thalken Mr. H. and Lucile Towne United Way of San Joaquin Co Valley Outdoor Advertising John and Ann Van Ruiten Vienna Nursing & Rehabilitation Ruby and Manuel Vierra Vino Farms Inc. Vituity - Lodi Anesthesia Group Wal-Mart Mark and Shanda Wallace Reinata Warnke Dr. Warren Wass Harlin and Nancy Watts Ethel Wetter Bob and Teri Whitmire Betty Williams Susan Williamson Jim Wilson Wine & Roses Carl Wishek Sheila Wishek Dr. Joseph and Mary Woelfel Daniel and Cynthia Wolcott Woodbridge By Robert Mondavi Blanche Wortley Trust Sydney C. Wortley Dr. Carolyn M. Fowle and Henry C. Ybarra Robert and Christine Zamora |